Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Last Saturday, I had a bunch of friends over to say one last goodbye. As far as going away parties go, it was actually pretty great (barely any crying until the very end!).

I really have had a hard time coming to terms with leaving, because lately I've been really happy with the way things are. If I have to have one last memory of the way things are right now, though, I'm glad it's musical theater charades, pizza and s'mores, and singing together like the bunch of choir nerds we are. It was really such an honest representation of what my I loved about the past year.

I was even able to hold it together until the very end when I actually had to start saying the actual goodbyes. I mean, I knew that the tears were going to come out eventually.

Going away parties are hard, but so is going away. I suppose that is the nature of things.

Here's to good friends and great adventures.

Group photo!

Yep, he's going to be hard to say goodbye to. 

They're pretty rad (feat. doge).

There are two types of people--photo bombers and everyone else. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Paperwork, Paperwork, and More Paperwork

Guess who has a visa? This chick! Well, kind of.

Actually, I just had my appointment at the French consulate in San Francisco on Thursday. Turns out, there are only two consulates in the state: SF and LA. Thankfully, I only have a two hour drive or so to the city. Others weren’t as lucky--I met someone who had to drive all the way from Oregon to get a visa.

I would be lying if I said getting a student visa is easy. I can’t speak for other countries, but France is absolutely ridiculous with its paperwork. Honestly, it’s incredibly complicated and stressful. Thank god I have an attorney for a mother, because I don’t think I could have figured it out without someone who is fluent in legalese. Figuring out which forms I needed was really the hardest part; the appointment itself was relatively quick and painless. Twenty minutes of forced small talk in French with the guy sitting next to me in the waiting room, maybe ten minutes with the ill-mannered woman behind the counter, a photo, some fingerprints, and that was it. 14 days to process and I will be card carrying exchange student.

Just 23 more days until my flight? C’est fou.